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Klaus Wittrup, a self-taught chef, has worked in diverse kitchens across Denmark, Sweden, and the U.S. Holding a masters degree in business economics and marketing, he also served two influential years as the right-hand to Claus Meyer of Noma fame. He then spent a year in Indiana, a time which he says ‘sparked his passion for American burgers and culture,’ and thus shaping the vision for Copenhagen’s hit burger garage Gasoline Grill – one of actor Jeremy Strong’s favourite burgers in the city.

Klaus Wittrup.

Something Curated‘s Adam Coghlan asked Wittrup the spots he’d stop if he was showing someone around the Danish capital during a whirlwind weekend tour.

Where do you go for a coffee? 

prologcoffee.cph / Instagram.

I go to Prolog in Kødbyen, they make great coffee. Lately, I also go to Hiphop, which opened just around the corner from where I live. The owner, Luke, is a cool guy from Florida, he is super nerdy, measures the pH and hardness of the water several times a day, adjusting his espresso to the measurements. It’s now the local hang out for all the parents in the neighborhood after they drop off the kids in the morning. Go say hi to him! 

Where do you take people to show them the Copenhagen only those who live there will know? 

labanchinacph / Instagram.

There are many places in the city that I love, including some of the tourist favorites. But slightly off the beaten path, depending on who you are, is Refshaleøen, and I particularly like La Banchina. You can’t beat this location, it is one of a kind—iconic! The owner, Christer, is very dedicated to sustainability, and the kitchen and wine are natural and organic. It’s the best spot for swimming and drinking natural wine in the Copenhagen summer. 

The best spot to pick up a gift? 

tranquebar_bookshop / Instagram.

That depends, but I love books and think they make great gifts. One of my favorite book stores in Copenhagen is Tranquebar, it’s right next to the first Gasoline Grill. They have beautiful books of all sorts. When I first opened Gasoline Grill, I would go there to drink coffee, relax and sometimes have meetings, since I was always working. They have a nice little café inside the shop. 

The best place to waste time? 

Visit Denmark.

If I’m not playing with my children on one of the many amazing playgrounds (we are fans of Trafiklegepladsen in Fælledparken) or beautiful parks in Copenhagen, I love swimming in the summer. Seeing Copenhagen from a crocodile’s perspective is a great way to unwind and find gratitude. The Copenhagen harbor is packed with spots for diving in.

Your favourite lunch spot? 

Slurp / Instagram.

This is the most difficult question. It depends on the mood and the occasion. My friend Philipp Inreiter’s place, Slurp Ramen, serves the best ramen in Copenhagen. He is ex-Noma and worked for a while in Tokyo. I love Japan, and I love ramen. Bar’Vin is owned by one of my best friends Nils Thyge. He is one of the best sommeliers in Copenhagen and the wine and the food at his place is amazing. Very informal, great quality, lots of flavor, and the best wine list by the glass In Copenhagen. Mediterranean-inspired food based on Danish seasonal ingredients. 


Klaus Wittrup of Gasoline Grill will be in residency at The Standard, London from 12 August – 15 September. Header image courtesy of Gasoline Grill.

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