Francisco Goya and the Timeless Allure of the Bizarre

Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes (1746–1828) remains one of the most pivotal artists of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. The National Gallery – Alexandros Soutos Museum in Athens, Greece, houses all four complete series of Goya’s prints—Los Caprichos, Los Desastres de la Guerra, La Tauromaquia, and Los Disparates (Los Proverbios)—acquired by the…

The Films That Inspired David Lynch

At the end of last week, news of visionary filmmaker David Lynch’s passing was announced. Months before his death, Lynch, aged 78, shared that he’d been diagnosed with emphysema. One of the most important filmmakers of his era, Lynch’s oeuvre—from Eraserhead and Blue Velvet to Mulholland Drive and his cult TV show, Twin Peaks—has been…

Five Lessons Ayurveda Taught Me

Ayurveda is a holistic healing system that originated in India over 3,000 years ago. Offering a wealth of wisdom that remains—certainly in part—relevant today, it is extensively practiced throughout India and Nepal, among other parts of the world. Derived from the Sanskrit words āyus (life) and veda (knowledge), ayurveda seeks to address the intersection of…

6 Masterpieces of Iranian New Wave Cinema

Cinema-ye Motafavet—also known as Iranian New Wave—emerged in the 1960s and 70s as an artistic response to the rapid modernisation and underlying paradoxes of Iranian society during the reign of the last Shah. These films, crafted by a small, passionate group of mostly self-taught filmmakers, combined documentary realism with poetic allegory, illuminating the complexities of…

How Artists Through History Transformed the Shop Window

Well now, what can a poor artist do? This is the question for almost every art school graduate; how can they earn a living, just turn an honest penny, make a meagre buck, having been cast out into the cold and callous real world? One possibility has long proffered itself over the centuries, namely designing…

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