This is the fourth in a series of recipes taken from chef and author Marie Mitchell’s debut cookbook, Kin: Caribbean Recipes for the Modern Kitchen. Read Something Curated’s profile of Mitchell here, and find the recipes for a creamy squash, tomato and coconut curry, buss up shut roti and mango chow from previous issues. The series will conclude next…
This is the third in a series of recipes taken from chef and author Marie Mitchell’s debut cookbook, Kin: Caribbean Recipes for the Modern Kitchen. Read Something Curated’s profile of Mitchell here, find the chef’s recipe for a creamy squash, tomato and coconut curry here, and for buss up shut roti here. I love how those from Trinidad…
This is the second in a series of recipes taken from chef and author Marie Mitchell’s debut cookbook, Kin: Caribbean Recipes for the Modern Kitchen. Read Something Curated’s profile of Mitchell here and find the chef’s recipe for a creamy squash, tomato and coconut curry here. Roti found its way to the Caribbean via indentured Indian labourers,…
This is the first in a series of recipes taken from chef and author Marie Mitchell’s debut cookbook, Kin: Caribbean Recipes for the Modern Kitchen. Read Something Curated’s profile of Mitchell here. In my imagination, I have a home with land, where I head outside daily to pick from a bounty of fruits and vegetables. In…
This came to me as a breakfast suggestion from one of my good friends, Jemima. She’s over 60, though by some real trickery, looks no older than 42. So when Jemima offers up nutritional life hacks, I listen. She framed this one to me via the idea of a morning smoothie in reverse, aka all the…
This week two dishes emerge from a scallop shell. Both fork from an iconic scallop dish from Beijing. Reminiscent of the birth of Venus, a single scallop sits in shell adorned with a flowing mane of glass vermicelli. On a Marco-Polo tip, the dish is given the Botticelli treatment via the addition of every Italian’s…
Lotus root is my spirit vegetable. Its little holes look like portals into eternal happiness. We all watched in awe at that episode of Chef’s Table when zen chef Jeong Kwan tinted the holy discs while in a deep meditative state, with natural hues of turmeric and beetroot, laying them out in little bowls for…
This morning when I popped my head into the local La Fromagerie in Highbury Barn, the French lady on duty was kind enough to gift me two kilos of forced rhubarb since it was close to losing its mojo, its commercial value all but nil. Great news for me and this particular tarte: rustic in…
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