Interview: Osman Yousefzada On Alternative Masculinities & The Immigrant Experience

British-born South Asian artist and writer, Osman Yousefzada’s practice employs various modes of storytelling across diverse mediums, compellingly blending elements of autobiography with fiction and ritual. Through moving image, installation, text, sculpture, garment design, and performance, the artist examines the representation and rupture of the migrational experience, making reference to current socio-political issues along the…

Visions Of Haiti: 5 Filmmakers Celebrating The Country’s Culture & Resilience

The first known films exploring Haiti emerged during the 1930s, while full-length movies produced within the nation became more prevalent in the latter part of the century. As the first Black Latin American nation to achieve independence, Haiti pioneered the way for others; however, its extraordinary contribution remains insufficiently acknowledged. From 18–31 October 2023, Barbican…

Interview: Mat Collishaw On Faith, Flowers & Flames

Mat Collishaw is a key figure within the influential cohort of British artists that came to prominence in the late 1980s and early 1990s, graduating from Goldsmiths’ College. His participation in the seminal group exhibition Freeze in 1988, along with peers Damien Hirst and Sarah Lucas, marked a pivotal moment in the evolution of British…

What Happened To New York’s Swimmobiles?

New York has long found ways to provide respite for city dwellers during its hot summers, offering various options from bathhouses and beaches to community pools and even floating pools moored along its rivers. However, during the 1960s and 70s, the city adopted one particularly innovative approach to ensure that everyone, even those who couldn’t…

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