Cole Wilson’s Best Photograph
By Cole Wilson
Sam made their first vintage in 2022, the year before Julie died. At the time this photo was taken, Sam planned to proudly take their wine to Beaujolais, a return to the place and person who had influenced their philosophy of the very thing they set out to create.
I have biological family whom I love dearly, whom nobody could replace. Sam is also my family. We met several years ago in New York City, but quickly found we had friends in common from another of life’s seasons.
This visit to Oakland, where Sam lives, was to assist and document the massive achievement that had been years in the making. Life had been hard, not just for Sam, but for all of us, in many obvious ways but also in unseen ways, untold and often internalized. It was one of my favorite visits with Sam, and this image perfectly encapsulates the excitement I felt knowing I could witness their dream come to be.
Months later, just days after the wine was in bottle, I learned that Julie had died. I remember that phone call, shocked, yet I felt nothing in comparison to the devastation Sam endured. They wanted so badly to be able to take the culmination of their knowledge and understanding of the ethereal product back to the source of so many of their values. The loss was massive, but Sam persevered.
The release party for Sam’s first vintage was filled with love and support from friends near and far. The wine was spectacular, though we already expected that. They’re currently hard at work on vintage #2, and in April they’ll travel to Beaujolais to pour their wine for many of their friends and colleagues, all of whom knew Julie too.
There is no perfect formula for images I love. I have my camera out if the feeling is right, and away when its presence is a nuisance. I try not to romanticize too many things, but the truth is, I’m a feeler. California light hit just right, sending love and appreciation, pride for my pal. Un petit canon pour mon coboy.
Cole Wilson is a photographer and writer. He lives in Kingston, New York.